Wednesday 30 November 2011

This is a proper post.

Bleh. So I had a panic attack, now I'm really nauseous, my stomach ache has gotten worse and I'm feeling rather paranoid. Not cool. Recent events probably don't help though.

So, a long time ago, on twitter, I mentioned about my poor grandpa. Today sort of decides the rest of his life I guess. He's having an operation today, they might be able to sort his stomach, if they do, theres no guarantee it'll stay or solve the problem, they might not be able to because of previous operations on his stomach and so much scar tissue. If that is the case, they're going to have to insert a permanent feeding tube through in to his stomach/small bowel. (He currently has to be tube fed in to his stomach as his stomach has rotate and twisted and causes him to vomit up all of his food) He probably doesn't have long left. That's not just me being negative. He has non-hodgkin lymphoma too. Okay, the rate with it isn't too bad, but all of this is really taking its toll on him. He's bloody strong, my grandad is, he's a right fighter. He's one of the strongest people I know and I'm so proud of him. I just wish he didn't have to keep suffering. So nervous for his time on the table today.

On twitter, you may have seen my recent ranting in regards to my landlord and the mould situation in the flat. He doesn't want to sort it properly, he seems determined to do a cods-job. Well last night I discovered lots of delightful green furry mould on some of my partner and I's possessions. I got furious, naturally, because I didn't realise just how much it was ruining our stuff. I called the estate agents today and requested that somebody come out, they're coming out tomorrow afternoon. I really want this sorted properly. I like this place, it's our home, and it's getting destroyed just because he can't pull his finger out! I've documented since the landlord came round on Monday and have taken some pictures of the mould coming through, the wet wall and our destroyed things, and yet we can't throw them out if an insurance claim is made. It should be made on the landlords, not ours, because it's damage from the property and not our fault, why should OUR premiums get increased? I'm not sure it's worth it though. But this place is clearly unfit to live in, it's making me really ill. :/

Not to mention my brother and dad acting rather pathetic. Huzzah!

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